Our Compliance

Oceanic assumes corporate responsibility towards employees, clients and all other stakeholders in its true sense and spirit. Thus our business practices are based on accords like responsibility, commitment, business ethics and transparency. While executing business operations across continents, our corporate compliance envisages

Adherence to Laws for Competition

Adherence to  International Marine Anti-Corruption / Anti-Bribery Laws

Anti-Cybercrime Regime

Adherence to Rules, Legislation and Regulations that govern shipping industry operations, pertinently followed in each region

Adherence to the applicable International / National Trade Laws/Regulations.

Adherence to all applicable Industry Standards and Codes of Practices

Environmental protection

Labor Practices: Protection of Employee’s Rights, Anti – harassment Policy, Health and Safety at Work Place.

Practice of Ethical Codes of Conduct and Behavior within the Organization

Data handling and Protection of Personal Information

Assets Multiplication and Management Supporting Economic Growth

Protection of Intellectual Property and Use of Copy-Right Materials.